Monday, August 18, 2008

Well Heck People!

With the Olympics starting and the passing of Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes, (R.I.P.) I was at a loss for words. I still am because things like that happening over in a span of 24 hours is chilling and I was taken aback with sadness, makes you want to look at life a little differently. With that being said the Olympics are kinda exciting! I must admit that, I would only watch Track & Field and Basketball back in the day, I'm watching everything now. It's so good to see everyone get along even if it's just for 2 weeks no hate, but at the same time what is going to happen when the games are over with, will the happiness and joy continue? Just a thought..... enough of my preaching lets talk about music CHUUUUUUCH!

OK! I was going through iTunes and a few sites, because my music collection was in need of some good music and I stumbled across an artist who has really grabbed my attention and one of my favorite artist who had an album out and I didn't know about it. Shame on me! The artist who has grabbed my attention is Kissey Apslund She is a soul sistah from Sweden...... wait, wait......SWEDEN?!?! I was like, "I have to check her out......" I'm reading reviews and getting more info about her and the reviews were positive so me being the person I am I had to check out her album "Plethora" R2 music/BBE. All I have to say is WOW! I've been listening to her album since last week non stop in the truck, home, etc. She puts you in the mind of Erykah Badubut she is a European import. What I like about her is that she has the edginess that lacks with other artists. She hooked up with Papa Jazz, a duo from France, to do the production for her debut album. With that said, Please support her, much love from Texas Kissey, and Lycka till, Gud välsigne er!

Next up we have Lizz Fields. Some one hit me with a Rock because I didn't know she had an album out. I kid I kid!!! Her new album called, "Pleasureville" Blue Fields Records Shows her vocal range and versatility on new album. I like this album a whole lot because of tracks like Pleasureville, Brooklyn Flowers, Daddy's Caddy, Runnin on Empty, and Oasis, which to me Oasis is my favorite track on her album. Cop her album and do me a favor, support the real artists where ever they are from. I think that is what's wrong with consumers of music today, if they aren't from here we don't support it. We have to change that people!!!!

That's all for now Check back as I will give you the scoop on Sy Smith's new album.
Peace and blessings

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tell me you hate me or love me

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