Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Influenced by Hip-Hop, I decided to change it up a little bit.

Mood: Chill
What’s on the iPod: Jazz

I was chillin at work, (Doesn’t make sense but all of you chill at work too! :) ) and I was looking at a friend of mine’s facebook status and she posed a question, “When did you fall in love with Hip-Hop?” Well I fell in love with Hip-Hop around 88 when I heard, “The Bridge” and then I heard, “South Bronx” it made me curious on what Hip-Hop was all about. I’ve been in the South Born and Raised, and when I listen to Hip-Hop, not Rap, I’ve always caught flak for that. Because the Media has the music divided on where you reside, stuff gets started and debates ensue for no reason. I’ll tell you like this, I don’t care where you are from you can be from Alaska, Jupiter, Dallas, New York, or L.A. If you are making good music I will consume your good music.

People are all caught up on “being from the South” or “East Coast” or “West Coast” MEMO: I DON’T CARE! I’m pretty sure some other folks don’t care either. There are a handful of people in my eyes who will forever continue to make good music one of them is Soulja Boy, (I kid LOL) when you see people doing music for the love of it, you have the utmost respect from me. If you are out here trying to be a rapper because you have the feds on you for selling dope and you need a “legal” way to make some money…… I dunno it all sounds the same to me. How many times can you sell Coke and not get caught or no one robs you? You see this is why a lot of Young, Flashy, so called rappers get Mollywhopped when they go out of town with all of that non-sense, your city is not the only ones with goons Lil’ Homie. Listen I believe in expression like the next person, but when you are making no nonsense music and polluting the airwaves with useless dialect, I have issues with that and Radio Stations and TV Networks are the blame as well for promotiong this.

I see Hip-Hop as a Lady, she has been ran through, changed but she always keeps her essence, lets keep her beautiful and full of life, instead of the current state she is in. I rather listen to the hungry rapper who is about the essence than Diddy any day. Anyway enough about my rant look up the Jazz Liberatorz and tell me what ya’ll think. I think it’s the best fusion of Jazz and Hip-Hop I’ve ever heard.

More on Ne-Yo Later…… I think….

Peace and Blessings, Hip-Hop that was for you Baby I tried my best......

E-mail me the time you fell in love with Hip-Hop, or just to email me your grocery list for this week, I’m bored ya’ll. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Album of the year!!!!.....well he should get a Grammy nod for

Album of the year....... Enthusiast's, Bloogers, Humans, will all call an album they like, "ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!!" In big bold letters and shout and tell the whole world about it. You might even hear someone say, "Something like this doesn't come very often......" Is it safe to say in the musical climate we are in today, those phrases and words need to be thrown out? I think so because only a small few are making quality music and only small small percnetage of them make music that will stand the test of time. Well Peeps I know I didn't find "THE GREATEST ALBUM EVER!!!!", but the album I listened too the past week straight is a top album, if not the top soul album of 2008. I present to you Raphael Saadiq........ Like ya'll didn't know who he was LOL. enjoy!

Mood? : Too early to tell
What’s on the iPod? : The Jazz Liberatorz, (Check them out more on them later)

Greetings Peeps!!!!! My mind is in so many places I don’t know where to start. I was going to talk about “Electronic Soul”, but with Raphael Saadiq’s Album dropping, I decided to put that on hold.

The Legendary Raphael Saadiq

Raphael Saadiq just dropped his 4th studio album entitled, “The Way I See It” (Pookie Entertainment, Sony, BMG, Columbia Records) The Former Toni, Tony, Tone Frontman takes us on a trip back to the 50’s and 60’s when music and melodies meant something. The way I see it, hint hint, (I know corny on my end), this is your Parents Parents music. Plug in the Jukebox because It is an album that will bring back memories for some and paint a picture of what vintage soul music sounds like and what soul music SHOULD sound like in my opinion. The lead single, “Love That Girl” will put you in the mind frame of watching Mama or Big Mama cleaning the kitchen playing the record, (yes people a Record!) on a sunny Saturday morning and you walk in and see her singing every song and sway her hips to the music. Imagine The Temptations, Jackson 5, Stevie Wonder, early Rock & Roll, and sprinkle some Gospel wrapped into one on this album. This should be a Grammy nominated album, if not I will be VERY surprised. Do me a favor go to his website, and listen to snippets of his album, his myspace page should have the album playing so I advise listen first then buy. I’ll tell you this, I bet my Grandmother would listen to this and ask me, “Boy what you know about this?”, LOL. That’s all I have for right now. Check back later on today or tomorrow and I’ll talk about Ne-Yo’s album.

Until next time

Listen to

100 Yard Dash
Love That Girl
Sure Hope You Mean It
Big Easy
Oh Girl
Like It


Appearances by
Joss Stone
Stevie Wonder
The Infamous Young Spodie and The Rebirth Brass Band

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sy Smith's has the Best album of 2008; my rant with some people sort of.........

Greeting people!
After being lazy on Labor Day, I was supposed to go fishing but my family from N.O. came up because of the Hurricane so I decided to hang out with them. Anyway enough about that, I finally had time to sit down and listen to Sy Smith's new album, "Conflict"(Psyko/MDI, 2008). I was laying under a rock, again I didn't know she had a CD out so I'm giving myself a late pass on this one shame on me! It is a mix of Soul, Jazz & a little bit of Techno, a.k.a. a mixture of futuristic vibes and melodies which will put you on the planet Saturn for a out of this world party on a cold winter night. She switches gears on the Album from songs like, "Overthought" to, "The Art of You" to, "Would all of the people from Compton Please Leave". It is a Soulful, Great Album which really shows her creativity. Plus the Girl can "Sang!!!!!" not Sing, "Sang!" I give her props because of the people she worked with, and every one of her Albums come with something fresh and new. Do me a Favor, check out her other albums Psykosoul (Hollywood, 2000)& The Syberspace Social (Psyko/Kajmere Sound, 2005)tell me what you think. This one is definitely a winner for 2008.
My question is, how come an Artist like herself and many others, cannot get any significant amount of airtime on the radio, or cannot get a decent record deal from the big record companies? Beats me I would only make sense to me. I think I would be fired if I were an A&R, (Aspiring rappers and singers look up what A&R means.) because I would sign someone with pure talent and skills, instead of signing some eye candy who doesn't know how to read a musical note, and only come with verbal skills my 1 year old nephew can come up with. Call me a "Hater" on what is playing on the radio or what's out now, but I would rather hear Sy Smith, Lizz Fields, Eric Roberson, Vikter Duplaix anyday before i hear someone talking about doing the "Stankyleg". WTF!!!!!!! I'm glad some of my favorite artists are independent because they can make the music that defines them, not someone else.
Also I have one other rant, People have been emailing me to check out this person they would be cool, Yeah OK I want to get something straight here, I deal with SOUL MUSIC! Not Smooth Jazz, not Rap, no Polka, no easy listening. I feel I have a good ear for music as well, the purpose of my blog is to get the word out there for my favorite artists. It's not like they don't have fans, I'm just shedding some light on them because they need it. I do this for the Love of music. Granted it's a little edgy at times, no carbon copies, but that's how I like it, and that's how some of my peers like it. I'm not going to name names on some of the artists, or the people who recommended me these people, but c'mon people. I don't do rap anymore I do hip-hop, whoever tells you it's the same it a Bald-Headed Lie! (Thanks Erin for that!) That's another story, another blog, another day.
I'm changing my picture because SOMEBODY says I look like I'm 16 on that pic, so to make folks happy I'll put an updated pic up, Geez everyone is a critic :) I'll talk about Electronic Soul and J*Davey next Blog.

Peace and Blessings
tell me how much my blog stinks.